Dear Chess Friends! 

Before making any decision about the chess coach for your kid, it is better for parents to study all details!

So, what do you need to pay attention to?

1) Qualification

Check the experience of the coach, using the rating on the website It is not recommended to practice with chess players below the 2000 rating. In case of progress, such a coach simply will not be able to provide your child a proper level. By training with fide masters and masters, it is easier for your kid to grow to a high level with the same coach.

2) Comfort first!

It is important that the coach and student are comfortable with each other. The child shouldn’t be afraid to ask questions, and the coach should accept the character of the student.

3) Coaching experience

Clarify information about previous students, their progress and success. Many chess players are good at playing but have no teaching experience. Moreover, cases of fraud happen sometimes, when a coach calls himself a GM, while he isn’t included in any of the ratings. Check all the info you can before choosing someone!

4) Training plan

The plan of trainings should be developed individually for your child, if he is studying alone, or for a group of students. A coach usually has a base of exercises, that he builds his classes on, without adjusting them to the special needs of the child. In this case, progress will either be slow or none at all. It is important that the coach works for a progress of a child, filling the gaps and promoting the strengths!